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Cost Segregation Clients We Have Served - O’Connor Associates

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Cost Segregation Clients We Have Served

O’Connor provides cost segregation services to all owners of commercial properties. We take pride in servicing recognized national brands, and national holding companies.

We take just as much pride in offering our affordable, quality services to those with smaller portfolios as well.

O’Connor provides cost segregation services nationwide to all 50 states and U.S. territories.

Cost segregation studies help you increase your cash flow if you are building a new building, remodeling, renovating, expanding or purchasing a facility.

Request Your Preliminary Cost Segregation Study

Interested in learning how O’Connor cost segregation services can improve your bottom line? Call us today at  1-877-375-4291 to discuss your property or complete Free Analysis & Price Quote form on this page and get a detailed preliminary analysis on your property as well as a price quote for your cost segregation study.