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Property Qualify For Cost Segregation - O’Connor & Associates

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100% Bonus Depreciation
Ends December 31, 2022

Does Your Property Qualify For Cost Segregation?

shopping centers cost segregation Any type of a commercial property placed into service after 1986 qualifies for cost segregation. Typically properties with a depreciable basis of $500,000 or more are good candidates from a cost / benefit point of view. Most developed commercial real estate that meets the following minimum guidelines qualify for cost segregation:

  • Real property acquired, built or significantly remodeled after 1986
  • Commercial for profit venture
  • Depreciable basis of at least $500,000

hotel assets cost segregation

Cost Segregation studies can be done for virtually any commercial property type:

office building cost segregation
private schools cost segregation

To get started on cost segregation, calculate your potential savings and request a detailed preliminary analysis.