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Benefits of a Cost Segregation Study - O'Connor & Associates

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Benefits of a Cost Segregation Study

Cost Segregation Study Cost segregation is a conservative, proven and IRS-defined approach for depreciating commercial properties.  It is the most accurate depreciation methodology for assets acquired or constructed after 1986.

The increased depreciation realized through a quality cost segregation study has a real-time, positive impact on your bottom line.

Cost segregation study benefits include increased cash flow, improved ROI, reduced taxes and the ability to catch-up on past years.

List of Cost Segregation Analysis Benefits

  • Increase in cash flow
  • Reduction in current tax liability
  • Deferral of Federal Income Taxes
  • Ability to recapture past years

Cost Segregation Houston Beyond the benefits of enhanced cash flow, a quality cost segregation analysis can be a key component in keeping you compliant with IRS regulations.  In addition to breaking out all short term depreciable items, O’Connor is a cost segregation company that routinely provides a breakout of all existing Units of Property per the 2014 IRS Tangible Property Regulations.

O’Connor cost segregation specialists provide a quality study, meeting or exceeding all IRS guidelines, detailing all available short term depreciable assets using one of the IRS preferred methodologies.  Among the five most common methodologies discussed in the IRS Field Audit Techniques Guide, O’Connor utilizes two of them predominantly – the Detailed Engineering Approach from Actual Cost Records (used for new or proposed buildings) and the Detailed Engineering Cost Estimate Approach (used for existing buildings where actual cost records are not available).

Take advantage of our FREE property analysis by completing the form on the side of this page or call us at 1-877-375-4291 to learn more about our cost segregation services.