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Cost Segregation Study Resources & Benefits | O’Connor

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Ends December 31, 2022


Cost Segregation Study Benefits

  • Increase in cash flow
  • Reduction in current tax liability
  • Deferral of Federal Income Taxes
  • Ability to recapture past years

To read more about cost segregation, please choose from the following resources:

IRS Audit Guide for Cost SegregationIRS Audit Techniques Guide This Audit Techniques Guide (ATG) has been developed to assist Internal Revenue Service (Service) Examiners in the review and examination of cost segregation studies.

Major Developments in Cost SegregationMajor Developments in Cost Segregation – The Tax Advisor By John M. Malloy, Ph.D., J.D., CPA; Craig J. Langstraat, J.D., LL.M., CPA; and James M. Plečnik, M.S. (Taxation) March 31, 2014

The Benefits of Cost Segregation / CCIM InstituteThe Benefits of Cost Segregation / CCIM Institute By Mark Vorkapich | May.Jun.07  Cost segregation is a process in which detailed entries are made in a fixed-asset system for all long- and short-life property. For instance, certain aspects of the property may be assigned a three-, five-, seven-, or 15-year tax life. These shorter lives are depreciated…

The Benefits of a Cost Segregation Study – NAIOPThe Benefits of a Cost Segregation Study – NAIOP  By: Robin Word, CPA, real estate niche leader, Averett Warmus Durkee CPAs, Orlando, Florida

Summer 2015. Cost segregation studies can help real estate investors maximize after-tax cash flows.

What is a cost segregation study – GrocoWhat is a cost segregation study – Groco The goal of a Cost Segregation Study is to identify building costs that have been traditionally depreciated 39 years and to re-allocate a significant portion of these costs to a shorter…